International Research Network (GDRI) Forms of Life
Our network brings together representatives of Critical Theory, specialists of Wittgenstein and Cavell, readers of the late Foucault and Agamben, advocates of the anthropology of life and moral anthropology. Our new research project starts from a triple observation: 1) the accelerated transformations of our forms of life in the 21st century; 2) the experience of new ways of weaving the experience of order and disorder or to say it otherwise, the forms that disorders take within well-established institutional forms that leads to dismantling the boundaries between order and disorder. 3) the multiplication of major ruptures in our forms of life, caused by disasters, wars, epidemics, etc., and which affect the living as much as the lived: they raise many questions concerning the return to a normal life, to what counts as "normal", the way in which a form of life is repaired, and the way in which this repair can be something other than an identical suture