“The Potencie of Text: Shifting Concepts of Myth and Literature.” Living with Concepts: Anthropological in the Grip of Reality. Edited by Andrew Brandel and Marco Motta (New York: Fordham University Press, 2021)
“In Quest of the Ordinary: Philosophy, Literature and the Romantic Response to Skepticism.” Understanding Cavell, Understanding Modernism, Edited by Paola Marrati (London, UK: Bloomsbury, In Press)
“The Prosody of Social Ties: Poetry and Ephemerality in ‘Global’ Berlin.” Current Anthropology. Vol. 61:4 (2020): 514-543
“Literature and Anthropology.” Oxford Encyclopedia of Anthropology, Mark Aldenderfer, ed. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2020)
“Plotting the Field: Fragments and Narrative in Malinowski’s Stories of the Baloma.” (with Swayam Bagaria) Anthropological Theory, Vol. 19:2 (2020)
“Genres of Witness: Violence, Personhood, Narrative, Generations.” (with Clara Han) Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology, Vol. 84:4 (2019)
“Locations and Locutions: Unraveling the Concept of World-Anthropology.” (with Veena Das and Shalini Randeria) In Post-Western Sociology, Edited by L. Roulleau-Berger and Li Peilin (New York, NY: Routledge, 2018)
“Anthropological Perspectives on the Limits of the State.” (with Shalini Randeria) Oxford Handbook on Governance and Limited Statehood, Edited by Anke Draude, Tanja Börzel, and Thomas Risse (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2018)
“The Art of Conviviality.” HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory. Vol. 6:2 (2017)
“Triste Romantik: Ruminations on an Ethnographic Encounter with Philosophy,” in Wording the World, R. Chatterji, ed. (Fordham, NY: Fordham University Press, 2015)
Books Reviews
‘Back to the Post-Industrial Future: An Ethnography of Germany. F. Ringel.’ American Ethnologist, Vol. 46(2)
‘Far Corner of Life: Life and Art with the Open Circle Tribe. S. Ezell,' Social Anthropology /Anthropologie Sociale. Vol. 24 (4) 526-8
‘German Text Crimes: Writers Accused from the 1950s to the 2000s. T. Cheeseman, ed.’ H-SAE (Society for the Anthropology of Europe) H-Net Reviews.
Editor Reviewed
“Political Fiction and the Paleonymic Lexicon.” in Unexceptional Politics: Four Perspectives, Verso Online (2019)
“A Poet in the Field: The Companionship of Anthropology and Literature.” Anthropology of This Century, Vol. 21 (2018)
“Intellectuals in the Age of Far-Right Insurgency.” IWM Post, Vol. 119 (2017)
“The Violence of Life and Its Images.” Somatosphere: Science, Medicine and Anthropology (2017)
“Contemporary Fascisms and the Acquiescence of the Left,” Transit European Review Online (2016)
“Claude Lévi-Strauss. Anthropology and the Truth Sciences.” (with Sidney W. Mintz) HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory. Vol. 3:1 (2013) 241